Pre-natal Class

The husband and I went for the third session of our pre-natal class yesterday. One thing I like about the class is that they give out a freebie every week. They gave us teethers at the first session, diapers at the second and a milk bottle and some lotion at the third. But what I didn’t like was the video that they made us watch yesterday. I really don’t see how listening to naked women scream in pain and watching babies come out of other women’s bits is going to prepare me for or help me in my own delivery! I know that delivering a baby is painful and not the prettiest sight on earth and I don’t need a video to tell me that!

At the last session, we watched a video on pain control options during labour and the lady conducting the session asked if any of us were considering an epidural. So a few people, including myself, put their hands up and she said something about how we were ‘throwing in the towel’ so quickly. I found her insinuation rather offensive. While I applaud people like Juan who made it through labour solely on laughing gas, I don’t think women who opt for an epidural should be made to feel like they are giving up in any way. Other than being able to yell at your children, “Do you know how much pain I went through giving birth to you??!” and be totally honest in the process, I don’t see any point to suffering for an extended period of time.

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