Tag Archives: nostalgia

Follow that Rainbow

Growing up, I spent a lot of time at Rochor Centre. We would get our groceries from the NTUC Fairprice there and my sister and I loved going up to Oriental Emporium to look at the toys. I also have fond memories of riding on battery-powered vehicles at the open area.

But like many of my childhood places, Rochor Centre will be gone soon. Come September, these rainbow blocks will have to make way for the North South Expressway. I guess that’s the price we pay for living in Singapore, a tiny island where people can’t bear the thought of slowing down and are always in a rush to get somewhere else. We dropped by earlier today to say goodbye and to take some photos.

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the boys

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chasing pigeons

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getting in some exercise while we’re there

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looking for pigeons

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goodbye, rainbow

SJCK Family Day Carnival 2016

We attended our 5th SJCK Family Day Carnival last Saturday. As usual, we checked out the food stalls before playing games and then heading to the Jumble Sale. I managed to get loads of goodies from the Jumble Sale – a vintage Pound Puppy, an Inside Out Anger toy, two pairs of Stride Rite shoes for David, and a pair of North Face boots for him as well! All for less than $30!

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SJCK Family Day Carnival

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lots of food

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munch munch

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some sliding game

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knocking down the cans

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beanbag tic tac toe

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feeding the frog

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looking for jewels

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ring toss

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choosing his prize

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jumble sale

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my loot from the jumble sale