Monthly Archives: February 2016

Cirque Eloize iD

The circus is in town! Last Friday, I took Adam to Marina Bay Sands to catch Cirque Eloize iD and we had such a good time.It was so awesome to see his face light up  with excitement with every act. He kept turning to me and saying Wow! and it was obvious that he enjoyed himself very much.

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all dressed up for Cirque Eloize iD

Adam was particularly impressed by the opening act of the very strong man who was able to lift and throw a woman with the greatest of ease and even balance her on the top of his head! He kept wanting me to try balancing him on my head during the interval.

He couldn’t tear his eyes away from the act in which one of the performers climbed up several chairs that were balancing on each other. He whispered that he was scared (so was I!) that the man was going to fall and was so relieved when the act was a great success. The bicycle stunt involving a member of the audience also had him on the edge of his seat.

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acrobatic skipping

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spinning in a giant metal ring

I loved how the creative projections brought the set to life and transformed the stage from an urban setting of tall buildings to a busy construction site and many other eye-popping futuristic images. I was fascinated by the flexibility of the contortionist and when I thought she couldn’t possibly bend any further, she proved me wrong and blew my mind!

My favourite bits were the aerial acts of the hoop and silks and I was awed by the strength and agility of the performers. The energetic dancers that tied the acts together also made this circus act unlike any others I have seen.

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this had the audience on the edge of their seats!

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amazing control of the bike

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the most flexible person I have ever seen!

Cirque Eloize is an impressive visual spectacle that will entertain and wow the entire family. Catch it before it ends on Sunday!


Season: From 27 Feb – 6 March 2016
Venue: Sands Theatre, MasterCard Theatres at Marina Bay Sands
PERFORMANCE TIMES: Wed – Fri: 7:30pm; Sat: 2pm and 7:30pm;
Sun: 1pm and 6pm
PHONE: +65 6688 8826
IN PERSON AT: Marina Bay Sands Box Offices

Disclaimer: We received complimentary tickets to watch this performance. All opinions are my own. All photos used are from Cirque Eloize.

Disney On Ice Magical Ice Festival Giveaway!

We are huge Disney fans here in the Wee household and we can’t wait to catch Disney on Ice presents Magical Ice Festival at Singapore Indoor Stadium during the March school holidays from 11 Mar to 20 Mar. Disney on Ice presents Magical Ice Festival will feature magical moments all the way from the wintery world of Frozen to the watery wonderland of The Little Mermaid. The spectacular show will also include Rapunzel and Flynn from Tangled and the enchanted setting of Beauty and the Beast!

The kids are really looking forward to see their favourite princesses in action and I bet they will be frozen to their seats (haha…) when Elsa and Anna take the stage. Personally, I love to see the mascots like Mickey Mouse and gang on skates! They look so ungainly in their costumes but can somehow glide across the ice so gracefully and are simply mesmerising to watch.

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Anna & Elsa


I like warm hugs!


how amazing do Rapunzel and Flynn look??

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Tale as old as time…


Mickey Mouse and friends


11 – 20 March
Venue:  Singapore Indoor Stadium
PERFORMANCE TIMES: Fri, 11/ 18 Mar: 7pm; Sat-Sun, 12-13/ 19 Mar: 11am, 3pm, 7pm; Thu, 17 Mar: 7pm; Sun, 20 Mar: 11am, 3pm.
PHONE: +65 3158 7888
IN PERSON AT:   Singapore Indoor Stadium


We are very excited to be giving away one set of 4 tickets for Disney on Ice presents Magical Ice Festival to one lucky winner. The tickets will be for 18/ 19/ 20 March and the exact date will be confirmed later. The winner has to collect the tickets at the box office.

To qualify, simply do the following by Sunday, 28 February 2015, 2359H (Singapore time):
1. Like the ‘In the Wee HoursFacebook page.
2. Like the ‘Disney on Ice presents Magical Ice Festival’ Facebook page.
3. Like and comment on this Facebook post telling me your favourite song from any of the four Disney productions (Frozen, Tangled, The Little Mermaid, Beauty & the Beast) mentioned in the post! Tag a friend in your comment.

Terms & Conditions: This giveaway is open to Singapore residents only. Winners will be contacted through Facebook message and will have 24 hours to respond, failing which a new winner will be drawn. All incomplete entries will be disqualified. All entries will be verified before the winners are announced. To be fair to our sponsors, please note that all fake Facebook accounts (e.g. accounts set up purely to take part in contests with no or very few real friends) will also be ineligible to win.